Friday, January 9, 2015


Recently my girl Ange wrote about picking an intention for the new year, and honing it down to one word. I have seen a few others also chose a single word on Instagram over the last week in an effort to be a better person in the new year. 

I'm sure this phenomenon is hardly unique to 2015, but it is a new concept to me. What can I say? I'm slow on the uptake. Usually, I take a reverse approach and evaluate my year as the old year comes to a close - noting if there is a particular theme to my life that year. Past themes have been fitness, family, relationships and yes, even depression/anxiety.  

I like the idea of looking forward with an intention. So, right there in front of the Interwebs, I staked my claim on Angela's blog: mindfulHmmmm. That's not quite enough fanfare. Let's try this: 


That is much better, yes? It is a great concept, and something I've given a lot of thought. I want to be mindful in my relationships with my husband, family and friends, and how my actions and words affect others. 

Technology is a big part of our lives, and our family spends a majority of our free time on our phones, gaming, or watching television - frequently a combination of several at the same time. Don't get me wrong, I am one of the biggest offenders; I love my iPhone. I will go as far as to say that I think Instagram is one of the best things since sliced bread. In fact, Instagram is so excellent that it is superior to Facebook in every way, and nothing anyone can say will change my mind. 

But back to the topic of being mindful: I want to spend more time unplugged and living life. I want to set a good example for my kids. The time I don't spend with my face in my phone could be spent a thousand different ways: walking my dogs, exercising, cleaning my house, enjoying live music with my infinitum. 

And being mindful isn't just about spending less time on Instagram. It's about thinking kind thoughts towards others and myself, and living a life of integrity. These are easy words to throw around and my hope is that none of this comes off as trite. 

I'm excited for 2015. It will be a big year of transition for my family as my daughter finishes her last year of high school and begins college - which is a whole other topic of it's own. All the best to you and yours this year!

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