Monday, February 29, 2016

Manitoba Hemp Heart Bar Review

As an ambassador for Fit Approach, I was recently selected to do a product review of Manitoba Hemp Heart bars. As an expert snacker, I'm well-qualified and equal to the task. #allthesnacks 

First, the pitch: Hemp is considered a 'super plant', and every part of the plant can be harvested for a multitude of uses ranging from clothing, paper, rope...and food. Manitoba Harvest is passionate about their products, which are all non-GMO project verified and they are the largest hemp food manufacturer in the world. Each 45 gram Hemp Heart bar contains 10 grams of plant-based protein and 10 grams of omegas. 

Other fun facts about hemp: although untrue, the Declaration of Independence was rumored to be written on hemp paper, which is sturdier than tree-based paper.

Fun mail days are the best! 
I received two flavors of Hemp Heart bars to try: apple cinnamon and chocolate. The seeds of the hemp plant have a slightly nutty flavor is similar to pine nuts or sunflower seeds. I thought it would be fun to bring samples to my spin class for the members to try. 

This product tester came prepared,
including toothpicks for samples.

Apple cinnamon (top left) and chocolate (bottom right)
I'm a pretty adventurous eater; I likened the nutty flavor of hemp to sesame, similar to a Middle Eastern confection called Halvah that I used to enjoy when I was a little girl - although these bars are not as sweet. Unfortunately, most of the members in my class didn't care for the bars. Many people struggled with the soft consistency of the apple cinnamon bars, but everyone preferred its
sweetness over the chocolate hemp bar.

Want to see what all the fuss is about and judge for yourself? Use code hhbarlaunch1015 for 15% off your order (expires 4/31/16). 

Join the conversation: If you're photographically inclined, you can also post a photo on social media for a chance to win your favorite Manitoba food product. Tag @manitobaharvest and use the hashtag #fueledbyhemp with a photo of your favorite hemp product. No purchase necessary!     

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